MENSCH madness
Five friends. Seven cities. Twenty-five NCAA March Madness trips.
We're five friends who have known each other just about all of our lives. We grew up outside New Haven, Connecticut in the town of Hamden. A few of us grew up in the same neighborhood. We went to school together, played Little League baseball, played basketball for the Jewish Community Center (JCC) in New Haven, and shared life-long memories in the B'nai Brith Youth Organization.
As we stepped into adulthood and moved to different parts of the country, we felt the need to get together on a regular basis. In 2000 (or sometime around then), Ed was living in Los Angeles and the rest of the boys were still in the Northeast, so we decided to meet in Las Vegas for the second weekend of March Madness, the NCAA men's basketball tournament. That started a tradition that has seen annual knock-down, drag out games of "21," lots of great food and drink, our fair share of diabolical blackjack dealers, and exploring cool cities, all scheduled around yelling and screaming in support, euphoria, frustration, and amazement of whichever teams we have money on during the second weekend of the world's greatest annual sporting event.
Legalized gambling has allowed us to branch out beyond Las Vegas, and while we’ll always have a love/hate relationship with Sin City, we make a point of exploring all options - as long as they meet our very stringent requirements.
Twenty-five years on, we've done everything we can to uphold the tradition every March. This website celebrates those trips and a friendship like no other.

The Timeline
When we started is still out for debate, but it was at least 2000, and we have only missed three years since (and one because the world shut down on us).