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We're five friends who have known each other just about all of our lives. Me (Ed), Mark and Ben grew up in the same neighborhood in Hamden, Connecticut, and met in the early 1970s before we were in kindergarten. Andy played Little League with us and joined us in Hebrew School. We met Ezra, the late-comer, on the basketball court at the New Haven Jewish Community Center. We went to Hamden High School together, were all active in the B'nai Brith Youth Organization, and our friendship has endured.

Since college, we've lived in different corners of the country - Connecticut, New York, Massachusetts, California, Florida, and Indiana. Ezra spent time in Mexico City and even bolted to Costa Rica for a year. We've been in each other's weddings, attended our kids' bar/bat mitzvahs, and taken vacations together. When times are tough - through divorces, funerals, surgeries, sickness, and the like - we lean on each other for comfort and support.  

The word mensch comes from Yiddish and in its most basic form means, "good person." However, like many "Jewish words" in American culture, it's come to mean a lot more. There is more of a superhero quality to it now. Someone who goes above and beyond. A stand up guy. Someone who always strives to do the admirable thing. A friend you can rely on to always be there for you.  

Now, I can't speak for myself, but these four other dudes personify "menschiness" more than any other people I know.

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